Hotel Policies

Hotel Policies

16/05/20242024-05-18 11:50

Hotel Favorit

Hotel Policies

Reservations and payments

All reservations are confirmed after payment of the entire amount for the stay or a paid fee (deposit) in the amount of 30%. The remaining amount is paid upon check-in at the hotel.

Attention! If the deposit is not paid within three days, the reservation is considered unconfirmed and is considered refused.

Cancellation of reservation

In case of cancellation of a reservation, the paid fee (deposit) is not refunded. If there is a paid amount for the entire stay, 70% of the amount is refunded.

Check-in and check-out rules

Check-in is after 14:00 on the day of arrival and check-out is until 11:00 on the day of departure. After check-out, the hotel reserves the right to request additional payment for additional services or disabilities.

Rules of Conduct

All guests must comply with hotel safety and public order rules. The hotel reserves the right to exclude or reject guests who violate these rules without the right to a refund fees.

Responsibilities of guests

Guests are responsible for keeping the room/apartment and its equipment and for paying for any damage and/or loss that is caused during their stay.


The hotel is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to guests’ personal belongings during their stay stay.


The guest has the right to invite visitors to his room from 06:00. – 10:00 p.m. If the visitor stays in the room after 22:00, the visitor must check in by presenting a passport or ID card. The hotel is not responsible for any crimes related to unregistered visitors.


If you wish to arrive with a pet, you must make a request to the hotel in advance at least 24 hours before your arrival. Upon agreement by the hotel, there is an additional fee, depending on the stay, the room/apartment in which you will be accommodated and the size of the pet. Pets must be accompanied by a guest and always kept on a leash or in a bag/carrier. Please note that we only accept small breed pets (up to 5 kg).


The entire hotel building, including rooms and apartments, is non-smoking. We appreciate your cooperation with our smoking policy and reserve the right to charge a €100 cleaning fee to any guest who violates this policy.

Video surveillance

CCTV cameras monitor the hotel grounds (except for the rooms). Video surveillance is in place to ensure the safety of guests, their property, and the property of the hotel.


The hotel prohibits any guest or customer from carrying firearms, ammunition, knives or weapons of any kind on the hotel premises. This policy applies to all firearms, whether they are handguns or long-barreled weapons. Guests who do not comply with these rules will be asked to leave the hotel.

Lost items

In case of discovery of forgotten belongings of the guest, the hotel immediately informs the owner, if he is known. Forgotten items are stored at the hotel for 1 month from the date they were found. After this period expires and the owner of the forgotten items is not found, the hotel has the right to use, throw away or destroy the items

Dangerous goods

  • It is prohibited to import and/or store raw or exposed cinema films, or any other objects of a combustible or dangerous nature, and/or prohibited goods, and/or goods of a questionable nature.
  • The guest is personally liable to management, other guests and employees for all financial or other losses and damages that may be caused by such items or due to own negligence and failure to follow any instructions.
  • Gambling, smuggling, prostitution, weapons, explosives, flammable objects, poisons, drugs, animals are strictly prohibited in the hotel.

Property damage

The guest will be responsible for any loss or damage to hotel property caused by themselves, their guests or any person for whom they are responsible. Damage found after leaving the rooms – rooms found littered, in complete disarray and/or “ruined” will be subject to a deep cleaning fee of €200 and/or third party fees if necessary.

Management rights

It is agreed that the guest will behave in a respectful manner and will not cause any trouble on the hotel grounds. Management has the right to ask any guest to vacate their room or leave other parts of the hotel immediately, without notice and without assigning any reason, and the guest is obliged to leave when asked to do so. In case of default, the Management has the right to remove the guest’s luggage and belongings from the room occupied by him. If the situation escalates and the guest does not follow this policy, the hotel will call the police.


All vehicles must be specified at registration. All vehicles are parked at the owner’s risk . The hotel accepts no responsibility for any vehicles, passengers or contents while transported or parked at the hotel. If the vehicle is left in the hotel parking lot after the guest has checked out and without the hotel’s written consent, the hotel reserves the right to forcibly move the vehicle at the owner’s expense. Vehicle repairs are not allowed on the hotel grounds.

Parties in the rooms

The hotel operates a no party in room policy to ensure we can always protect the hotel and our guests. In case of disturbance, a polite request (warning) to reduce the noise will be given. If our request is not met, the guest will be asked to leave the hotel without a refund.

Hotel Favorit

Cozy hotel, with a homely and peaceful atmosphere, perfect for a family or friends vacation.


Because it’s extras that counts

Happy Customers

Best location in Sunny Beach

" Favorit Hotel has the best location in Sunny Beach, just a brief walk to the beach, close to the best clubs - La Cubanita, Bedroom and Cacao, where the party at. Nice rooms with a view, best bang for your buck. "

Peter V

Trip Advisor


" Me and 2 lads went for lads holiday As soon as we got the our Thomson scene rep Matt was waiting for us he was brill couldn't fault the guy the hotel was great staff were perfect ignore everything bad you've heard about this hotel strip is not far at all it's defiantly walking distance we did it plenty of times! The hotel welcomed is back anytime we wanted wand we are seriously considering coming back again this August! "


Trip Advisor

First time in Bulgaria & couldn't have been any better

" This apartment was in a ideal location.... Slightly away from the madness of sunny beach main area.... It was less than a 10 minute bus ride that stopped right outside the hotel. It is 1LV per person... Which is about 50p..... A cab was 10LV..... But the buses are every 15 minute, they're so cheap & its only a few stops so it was a good way to get down there, otherwise it's a nice walk, about 30 mins. "


Trip Advisor

I had a great time!

" Unreal good service from the receptionist, she was always polite and smiling. Admirations for Biso, there is no better worker in the Favorite family. Mr. Terziev took good care of us and our drunken shenanigans, not giving us trouble for playing with his daughter and bickering with Biso over beer and soup at the local pub. Biso deserves a promotion and additional respect for the work he puts into the hot dishes. 10/10!!!! "

Boris Savov

Google Search

Suitable for kids

" Good tradițional Bulgaria food, delicious fish, large portions, accesibile price! "

Roxana Turcanu Nemtisor

Google Search

I really liked it!

" Excellent little hotel, clean, tidy, good pool, large terraces, all in all a comfortable place! "

Sanda Stankovic

Google Search